
The CaudekLab engages in interdisciplinary research that investigates:

  • Individual differences in cognitive processes;
  • Cognitive processes in diverse clinical populations, including individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, depression, and psychopathy;
  • Learning processes and cognitive control;
  • Memory, attention, and perception;
  • Intelligence;
  • Self-compassion;
  • Cognitive mechanisms underlying the reception of fake news;
  • The impact of surprise on mental processes;
  • Development and validation of psychometric instruments.


Current Opportunities

Se sei interessato/a a lavorare con me come relatore, sia per la prova finale L-24 che per il progetto di tesi magistrale LM-51, non esitare a contattarmi via email. Sarò felice di discutere i tuoi interessi accademici, coinvolgerti in un progetto di ricerca del laboratorio e/o aiutarti a sviluppare un progetto personalizzato in linea con le tue esigenze e aspirazioni.

If you are interested in working with me as your advisor, feel free to reach out to me via email. I would be happy to discuss potential projects and provide guidance tailored to your academic interests.


I warmly welcome visiting scholars and students to join my lab. While I currently do not have funding available to sponsor visitors, I would be delighted to host you if you can secure funding through your own institution or other sources. To explore this opportunity, please email me your CV and a detailed research plan so we can discuss potential collaborations further.