Source Themes

Priming effects under correct change detection and change blindness

Do you remember your sad face? The roles of negative cognitive style and sad mood

Perceived Surface Slant Is Systematically Biased in the Actively-Generated Optic Flow

The perceptual recovery of surface slant from the optic flow is affected by systematic biases, in both active and passive vision.

Do we perceive a flattened world on the monitor screen?

We describe two cue-combination experiments designed to test the integration of stereo and motion cues, in the presence of consistent or conflicting blur and accommodation information.

Bayesian Modeling of Perceived Surface Slant from Actively-Generated and Passively-Observed Optic Flow

Integration of disparity and velocity information for haptic and perceptual judgments of object depth

We propose a model relying only on direct sensory information to account for the planning and execution of prehension movements in the absence of haptic feedback and when the hand is not visible.

Systematic distortions of perceived planar surface motion in active vision

Vestibular information, provided by active vision, is not sufficient for veridical 3D shape and motion recovery from the optic flow.

Inconsistency of perceived 3D shape

Local judgements of depth, slant, and curvature of smoothly-curved surfaces rendered by single-cue or multiple cue stimuli are not congruent with each other.

Matching perceived depth from disparity and from velocity: Modeling and psychophysics

Human observers do not estimate the viewing distance correctly.

The intrinsic constraint model and Fechnerian sensory scaling

The IC model predicts a strong link between perceived depth and depth discrimination.